
my computers dictionary tells me that isn't a word but i couldn't find any other word that accurately describes my thoughts. if you're a soccer fan in the us then you will understand, or at least know of what i am referring to, the speculation regarding the us mens national world cup team that will be announced in about an hour. yes, i am posting this in advance of the team selection announcement. deal.

i have never been a fan of "gooch", ie, onguchi onyewu. he is too hit/miss and that is not a good thing for the heart of defense. don't get me wrong, when he is on his game, he is great. last night was his first game since october 2009 when he ruptured his left patella tendon. the rust obviously showed and frankly if you weren't expecting that you have serious blinders on. what concerned me though is that he was favoring that leg and had a very noticeable hobble/limp going on. he couldn't jump. at all. so much so that he let a under 6-footer out jump him to score a goal and he's 6'4"!

bradley announces his team today and i fear he may pick gooch in the hopes that he will be fit in 2 weeks even though he is probably only at 60-70% fit at the moment, and that value may be flattering to him. do we risk wasting a spot on someone who may not be able to play or do we suck it up and pick a fit defender, even if they aren't as good as fully fit gooch, and not worry about it?

don't overthink this bradley. that was very big bag-o-ice placed onto goochs knee last night after you subbed him off...


l o s t ended it's 6 year run last night. i was a little iffy when watching it live but after sleeping on it and rethinking i am fine with the finale. apparently there are many who aren't and i wonder if some them even watched the show after reading some of their questions regarding it...


i want to take a quick momento to think of my shadow. he's half great dane and half black lab. he's bigger than your average dog at 85 lbs but he's not even close to the size of a full blooded great dane. he's the most gentle and loving dog i have ever known though he can be a bit of a spaz, but then again, how many dogs aren't?

shadow is not an outdoors dog. he couldn't be arsed to go outside other than to go to the bathroom when needed...unless it's raining outside in which case he would rather hold it. the longest i have seen him hold it is about 13 hours but that was my fault. poor guy.

in the five years i have owned him he has still not let me cut his nails...

a week from hell is slowly lightening... time to get back into the daily routine missed the past few days. it's nice to decrease the growing piles on the desk to something a bit more manageable though only a fool wouldn't recognize that the piles will increase of their own volition in the future.

are you a "ketchup" or "catsup" person? catsup makes me think of cats and their plans for world domination. guess that's why i'm a dog guy...


i'm kind of curious as to the origins of the word but i can't be arsed to check its etymology. sour and puss...it can't be good!

my girlfriend was a sourpuss saturday due to drinking way tooooo much. actually, it's not that she drank but rather that she didn't say no to any of the drinks passed her way. i'm not talking about the random beer or even shots but the mystery tequila jello shooters or the even more mysterious daiquiri or the frighteningly more mysterious "pool water". add those to a few beers and double shots of soco and you have the recipe for disaster. she had to skip the game and lie down in the car with her head out the window puking her guts out. ha.

i became a sourpuss of a different nature on saturday as well but only because we lost again. by lost again i mean we didnt score...again. that and the hangover on sunday due to saturday nights festivities.

i'm even more a sourpuss at the moment due to when i walked into my office this morning my ac unit had frozen over and was dripping onto the rug. my office is warm enough as is due to it being the server room but now i have to have the heat running to finish thawing the ice on the ac so it is even more warm...

even my boss asked why so sour this morning.


why does everyone want to schedule time and resource intensive projects to occur at the same time? i'm not vishnu!

don't get me wrong, i have no complaints about being kept busy. hell, i'd rather be busy than bored and falling asleep at my desk but at some point a line has to be drawn when other projects, like my normal daily operations, start to suffer.


why can't some people follow the simplest of directions? what part of "you need to come in so i can reload your laptop - it will take 20 minutes" is so hard to understand? this one user is so bright we've been nicknaming her spoon, ladle, fry basket, etc for the last 3 years and she knows it!

sad, huh?


the confluence of tribal and primal; i would have also accepted pribal. it is rare for me to exhort anyone to see certain bands as everyone has different tastes. we all know too well how 2 friends can have vastly different viewpoints when it comes to music. it's almost as bad as politics and religion. almost...

caribou is the exception.

caribou is dan snaith, phd. his doctorate is in mathematics and his thesis was on "overconvergent siegel modular symbols." say that 10 times fast backwards while bopping to a crunching rhythm! i often envision him standing in front of a whiteboard filled with non-nonsensical, to me and you, maths equations explaining the secrets of the universe when he suddenly has eureka moments and reaches for the drum machine and samplers sitting on his desk to lay down a moment of brilliance to return to later in his studio. what, you don't? /sigh

pribal. at one point last night 3 of the 4 members of the live caribou band were all on various forms of drums and percussion, loosing this pounding and even awe-inspiring pulsation throughout the crowd. add to this tape loops/samples and synth washes and you had a formula that would make any baptist think hell had taken over the world and we were all in a evil orgy of satan worship! oh yes, satan worship - the good kind though. not the bad kind.

medium sized working dog should be the theme of the world.
everyone should have a medium sized working dog.


yes, ber. not beer...ber. that is the correct pronunciation, in my minds throat of all that is great and tasty from the brewers of belgian ale. no, i didn't forget about lager and port and stout, etc. i am a ale man - whether that be trappiste, pale, brown, ipa, double, tripple or quad. ale.

two weeks ago i was rudely informed of a place on the other side of town that is known to be thee place any self respecting afficionado of belgian brew should know about. by rudely i mean gracisouly. -thanks scott. how i was not informed of this place in its previous 15 years of existence is beyond me and is something i shall bear as long as my taste buds live. this place is mekong and is the brainchild of one an something or nother...i dare not try to disrespect his name by attempting to type it. all i know is that it is vietnamese. mekong is about vietnamese food and belgian brew. maybe in reverse order...

"enter the draak" means beware the power of the draaaken. that's what the multiple glasses of gulden draak told me anyways. the naked draak told me something different but i ignored him as he was naked and the last thing one wants is for a naked draak to be telling him something!

now i begin my quest on finding more gulden draaks to fill my dome with. hell, maybe there is something out there even better than a gulden draak? nah...i don't think there is a platinum draak :(

it seems like a bunch of geriatrics from maine decided to throw logic, and common sense, out the window. i wonder how many know and understand the austrian school of economics they rammed down the official maine republican parties throat? why would blue hairs need a functional dept of education anyways?! i wonder how many of these "healthcare is not a right" 'ers are in actuality welfare recipients?

i would really like to see some of the debates and public speeches from their candidates in the upcoming elections if only for the lol factor.



crap... oh yeah, i know promises are made to be broken and all but this time i swear, really and trully this time - yes, the misspelling was intentional! - that my posts will be a little more often than once a season if that.
i figure if i aim for once a week minimum i might actually make it once a month.
that's an upgrade, yes? a little is more than zero...

the 2009/2010 english premier league season has now come to an end. we - arsenal - finished 3rd and get the automatic group stage entry for next seasons champions league; better than last season. this normally means i would be unable to get my footie fix for the next 3 months but this is a world cup year so i do get a months reprieve. no disrespect to mls and my dc united but you just aren't the same - my wallet disagrees though.

with spring comes renewal and allergies, though maybe it's the other way around... damn allergies. i feel i am more susceptible to the evilness of allergies and pollen and the other assorted ailments of springtime due to my decision to have stopped smoking the previous year. while my lungs, wallet and sense of smell have thanked me thousands of times over my insides do feel more violated at times since.
as they say, with the good comes the bad. fuckers.

to me, spring and music are synonymous. the festival season, whatever your genre du jour, starts up this time of year - ok, a few weeks back to more precise - and everyone makes plans to cram into a few acres with thousands of people you would otherwise prefer that you didnt... unless you're a broke ass muthafucka like me and you have to live virtually through the use of music blogs and youtube vids of generally horrible quality. hipsters in new york couldnt even make a halfway decent cell phone vid of jeff mangums set from the chris knoxx benefit last week!
*note* while on the subject of jeff mangum, am i the only one who could really do without hearing the song "in the aeroplane over the sea" again? again? again? it was nice to hear the "oh, comely", don't get me wrong. yes, i know this was only like his 2nd gig in the last 10 years or something to that effect.

at least i have caribou to ease my sense of musical joie de vivre tomorrow!